Estonia 20:
Priit Pärn Retrospective
Feature Animation “POM POKO”Isao Takahata(Japanese, Subtitles in English)
Japan PremiereFeature Animation “Hoffmaniada”Stanislav Sokolov(Russian, Subtitles in English and Japanese)
Ishu Patel
Retrospective(Screening and Talk)
Competition 4
Animation by Children of the World - Estonia Workshop Film - ASIFA Workshop Group (AWG) International Project 2017/2018 “A Funny Story” - Hiroshima Workshop Animation “Cat” - Flipbook Contest Awards Ceremony
Best of the World 4
Stars of Students 5
Stars of Students 6
Estonia 21:
Feature Animation “Lisa Limone and Maroc Orange: a Rapid Love Story”Mait Laas(Italian, French, English, Estonian, Subtitles in English and Japanese)
Estonia 22:
Elbert Tuganov Retrospective ②
Estonia 23:
Heino Pars Retrospective ②
Estonia 24:
Heino Pars Retrospective ③
Estonia 25:
Hardi Volmer Retrospective
Notice) The timetable and contents of the program are subject to change.